"For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land..." Song of Solomon 2:11-12

Register Now

Online Registration for upcoming camps

Youth Rally
April 12

Couples’ Conference
April 25-26

Senior Trip
April 27-5/3

Who we are...

Camp Calvary is first and foremost a Bible camp. Located in the foothills of the Blue mountains in beautiful Berks County, Camp Calvary offers a year-round, full camping program for all ages.   For over 50 years and serving over 6500 campers per year, Camp Calvary has been blessed with over 90 beautiful acres which provides the setting for our Christ-centered, camper conscious  experience. Our focus is to utilize the outdoors to share to share the gospel and edify the believer.

Learn and Explore

If you already knew everything about camp, what would be the excitement of coming to visit?

Summer Camps

Summer Camps, Family Camps, C3IT

Retreats & Events

Couples’ Retreat, Men’s and Ladies’ Retreats and more

Groups & Rentals

Schedule the whole camp or one part…

Tour Camp Calvary

Explore the facilities that God has blessed Camp Calvary with. The CC Inn, the CC Lodge, the Activity center and more. 


We rely on your support to continue reaching campers. Learn about our needs and the many ways you can help!