Couples Conference

Marriage: Male & Female

The world continues to debate the definition of gender and its application to vocation, education and athletics.

But what about marriage? What does the Bible say about husbands and wives, love and marriage?

Join us as we consider the importance of a biblical view of marriage, and how it practically applies to you and your relationship with your spouse.

Dr. Greg and Nancy Mazak

Raised in a Roman Catholic home, Greg became a Christian in 1980 while a Psychology major at Ohio State University. After watching Christ save his girlfriend Nancy, he married her— and enrolled in Bob Jones University where he earned an M.Div. degree and a Ph.D. in New Testament. He also earned an M.Ed. in Counseling from Clemson University. Greg currently teaches in the undergraduate and graduate biblical counseling programs at BJU. He also serves as the Pastor-Teacher of Trinity Bible Church of Greer, SC. He has spoken at churches, camps and conferences throughout the United States, has taken mission trips to Mexico, Africa (Cameroon, South Africa, Zambia), India, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Australia, and PNG, and serves on two mission boards. Greg and Nancy have three daughters (all graduates of BJU) and 3 grandchildren––all of whom are Ohio State and Clemson fans! Greg enjoys dates with Nancy––especially on his motorcycle, hanging out with his family, and studying the Bible.

Couples' Conference Schedule


3:30 pm Registration & Check In, Points of Interest, Walks, Private Time
6:15 pm Appetizers
7:00 pm Candlelight Dinner
8:00 pm Welcome/Mixers
8:30 pm General Session #1
10:00 pm Various Options: Ice Cream Social, Fellowship Time, Wagon Rides, Campfire & S’mores, Activity Center


8:30-9:30 am Continental Breakfast
9:30 am Session #2
10:30 am Break
11:00 am Session #3
12:15 pm Lunch
1:00 pm Activities
4:00 pm Session #4
5:00 pm Dinner
5:30 pm Departure