Senior Saints
A day out at Camp Calvary reserved just for seniors. Fellowship, spiritual refreshment and great information. A perfect event to get away!
9:45-10:10 Register
10:10 Welcome & Introductions
Session One – Open Doors/Open Hearts
Rejoice in what God is doing around the world today.
Revelation 3:8 “Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it.”
Session Two – Awesome Opportunities
What are some practical ministries Senior Saints can have to advance the Gospel?
Speaker: Nick Yzzi
Nick will deal with many aging issues including overall steward and planning; estate/inheritance taxes; final instructions and control (wills, power of attorney, and health care powers of attorney); benefits and detriments of gifting/dealing with assets before death; Social Security, retirement, Medicare, Medicaid, and nursing home decisions; prepaid burial plans, charitable giving, beneficiary reiew of insurance policies and retirement plans.